There’s always something exciting to learn when it comes to 3D printing. Even expert-level printers regularly uncover new knowledge that can take their projects to a higher level. Whether you’re new to the craft or have years of experience, you’ll never get bored while discovering all of the ins and outs of this incredible technology. Read on to discover five facts about 3D printing you didn’t know.
Older Than You Think
Because of its advanced techniques, 3D printing seems like a new invention. The truth is that this technology has been around since the 1980s! Inventor Chuck Hull developed a process called “stereolithography,” which used UV lasers to solidify layers of photopolymers in prototypes. Others tweaked this method over time to create the 3D printing processes we all know and love today.
The Hollywood Influence
Most people think that 3D printing only has uses in technical and industrial settings. However, these devices found homes in an unlikely place; Hollywood! Movies like Iron Man and The Hobbit used 3D printers to create complex models and visual effects that would have cost a pretty penny to make through other means. As the technology grows and changes, you can expect to see 3D printers become a regular tool in the entertainment industry.
Out of This World Possibilities
3D printing has many applications, but the most impressive might be its capacity to improve space travel. The global community has taken to space using a variety of tools, and advances in 3D printing methods only increase our success beyond the atmosphere. With this technology, scientists can print parts for the International Space Station and draw up plans for large-scale building construction projects as we grow closer to potentially colonizing other planets.
So Many Materials
Typically, 3D printers use filaments, polymers, and resins to create models. While these materials are the most common, you can use almost anything to design your perfect printing project. Since its development in the ‘80s, professionals have been experimenting with ways to print using non-traditional substances, like gold, silver, and even ceramics. The ability to print with unique materials is a fact about 3D printing you didn’t know that opens many doors for future practical and artistic innovations.
Innovations in Healthcare
Perhaps the most helpful way 3D printing has evolved through the years is through its use in healthcare. Did you know that 3D printers are able to print living tissues? Medical professionals designed a process called “bioprinting,” which creates live blood vessels and even entire organs. Regenerative medicine has come a long way since the start of these developments and will continue to save lives around the world as experts perfect their methods.
If you’re ready to join the exciting world of 3D printing, check out our inventory of equipment and supplies. Start your journey with the CreatBot F160 3D printer and amaze everyone with your high-quality prints and impressive technical skills.