Tips for Setting Up Your Own In-House 3D Printing Facility

Tips for Setting Up Your Own In-House 3D Printing Facility

So, you’ve decided to enter the 3D printing business. Congratulations! You’ve embarked upon a rewarding and fascinating endeavor that can, with the proper preparation and planning, be extremely profitable. But before you purchase that fancy new resin UV 3D printer or any other equipment, take a moment to read these tips for setting up your own in-house 3D printing facility.

Learn All You Can

You’ve already taken steps to learn about 3D printing, but it never hurts to learn a bit more! Online and in-person classes are available and may even be offered for free (or a small fee) at your local library or other facility. Training and troubleshooting videos are widely available online as well and should give you a better idea of the sort of system you need and how to operate it. If you’re planning to enter the field on a larger scale, be sure to hire at least one experienced individual with a solid background in 3D printing.

Pick the Right Machine for the Job

There’s more than one kind of 3D printer, and each one is better suited for certain jobs than others. If you want a good, general-purpose, professional 3D printer, a resin UV 3D printer is an excellent choice for a variety of jobs, including parts, models, and similar building for the fields of dentistry, jewelry-making, and other industries that demand technical precision. On the other hand, a Makerbot Sketch 3D printer is a simpler set-up and better suited for a classroom or hobbyist situation.

Keep Safety in Mind

Become well versed not only in how your 3D printer works but also its potential hazards. In general, 3D printers, when maintained, kept clean, and used with caution, aren’t a major source of danger to you and your home. Still, create a situation where hazards are less likely. Some 3D printer materials can emit fumes which can cause headaches and nausea in the short term or have more dangerous effects with repeated exposure. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area while wearing a mask with carbon-based materials and consider installing a more efficient ventilation system in the room.

Check Your Temps and Power Source

Here’s one of our important tips for setting up your own in-house 3D printing facility. Make sure your facility can provide the correct amount of power to your machine without the risk of blowing a fuse or tripping a circuit. Some sites describe 3D printers as using as much power as the average refrigerator, so keep that in mind, particularly when a printer is running for a long time. You don’t want it shutting down in the middle of a print job. Be sure the printer is in a cool environment as well, since higher temperatures can also interfere with a print job by melting already hot objects. A garage or other outdoor, uninsulated, or otherwise exposed area might not be the best place for your new facility.